How do I edit gallery pages in my portfolio?

How do I edit gallery pages in my portfolio?

1. Select Design Manager, click on a page name to edit it.

2. When selecting Edit gallery page, this will show a list of design features you can customise for that specific page.

3. To apply changes to your Gallery page only, select Edit gallery page.



To streamline your page editing process, you can edit all of your website pages together by selecting Edit all pages.

1. In Design Manager, select Gallery.

2. When selecting Gallery page, this will show a list of design features you can customise for your pages.

3. To apply changes to all your Gallery pages together, select Edit all pages.



Editing a single page will allow you to individually customise a list of features: 

Layout, Title, Background, Logo, Header, Subtitle, Menu, Footer, Social. > Dashboard > Design Manager > Gallery > Editing gallery page layout

This option allows you to change the layout style of your pages and images.

Once you click on this button, a list of style names will appear.

Layout, Title, Background, Logo, Header, Subtitle, Menu, Footer, Social.

Clicking on each name will allow you to preview that style in your window. 

To save any changes, click the Done button in the upper right hand corner.

Sometimes styles are categorised into different versions.

For example, in your Gallery page editor, a Masonry layout style has four versions, large and small, with and without padding. > Dashboard > Design Manager > Gallery > Select page > Logo

If you choose you can add a profile picture, logo or avatar to any or all of your web pages.

Simply choose an image from your hard drive and upload under the Logo option for any page of your website.

You can switch your image on or off by clicking the switch to the left, and select different image borders or adjust the size to the right.


How do I edit my header? > Dashboard > Design Manager > Gallery > Select page > Header

Your header is designed to sit at the top of your page and form an alternative page title.

The Header text size, opacity and letter spacing can be adjusted, or turned off.


The Automatic page title button appears when you edit a page Header.

Clicking on this button will turn it on or off, and display corresponding title information for that page.

For example, your Gallery page displays your Portfolio, so this is what your Automatic page title will display in your Gallery page Header. 


How do I edit my subtitle? > Dashboard > Design Manager > Gallery > Select page > Subtitle

Your subtitle can be displayed beneath your header.

This can also be adjusted by size, opacity and letter spacing, or switched off. 


How do I edit my menu? > Dashboard > Design Manager > Select page > Menu

Edit your menu settings under any page in the Design Manager

This feature allows you to control the display of your navigation menu, adjusting word spacing, size and opacity as well as letter spacing.

You can also switch off your menu on any of your pages, further customise, rename and edit the links in your menu.

Have a look at our Menu Settings article to find out more. > Dashboard > Design Manager > Select page > Footer

Here you can adjust the text, size, opacity and letter spacing of your footer.

You can also add a link using the redactor box. > Dashboard > Design Manager > Select page > Social

Add and adjust the style, look and feel and also size and opacity of your social network icon links.

Simply enter in the link to your social media pages for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest. 

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