If you don't already have one, sign up for a free Google Analytics account today!
Pixelrights.com > Menu > My Account > Google Analytics
Copy the tracking code from Google Analytics website and paste it into the box provided.
If you do not yet have a Google Analytics account, you can sign up here.
Google will then prompt you to fill out a new Account page with your information, including your website name (e.g. https://www.pixelrights.com/members/yourname)
Once you've entered your details, your Tracking ID and Tracking Code will be generated.
You must then copy the entire Tracking Code, starting with “<script>” or just the Tracking ID which starts from 'UA-...' and paste this information into the text window for Google Analytics in your Audience Panel.
Please note, it may take up to a day for Google Analytics to display the results.
For tutorials about how to manage your google analytics, we suggest taking a look at the Google's Analytics Academy for useful tips.